Monday, January 25, 2010

I cannot be silenced!!! (or even turned down....)

I think it hit home what a giant dork I am and also why I don't listen to my iPod in public a short time ago. I'm typing some stuff for Smitty's final in his class (aren't I the best wife EVER), and I decided to make a nifty playlist with all the stuff I downloaded last night. Well, you  know when you're singing to music that's in headphones, you're singing much louder than you know because obviously you can't hear yourself. So, while I was happily belting out "American Pie" and typing away, Smitty stood silently in the doorway thinking "Oh, God, she's finally gone insane," until I saw him and screamed b/c obviously I wasn't expecting him.

However, this brings back memories of my dad confiscating my Walkman on more than one vacation because I was singing louder than anyone was talking in the car, also numerous times of him or my mom walking in my room YELLING at me because I had no idea they were even talking to me. It's all coming back. If I were to take my iPod to work, I would either get written up, or I would make a complete jackass out of myself.

I was also thinking, speaking of singing, that I now have a need, not a want, mind you, but an actual  need to sing Concrete Blonde's "Joey" at karaoke. It would be awesome, as the song is mostly yelling, which I very much enjoy in musical form. I think maybe it's because I never actually yell, I like to sing really, really loudly. It's my repressed loudmouth, yearning to be free. I mean, honestly, I don't even know the last time I actually yelled. My normal speaking voice isn't even remotely loud, but I do so enjoy some sing-yelling. I think the last time I went to karaoke, I was called "Rocker Chick," which is funny because that's almost like calling me "Rapper Chick." Both are equally inappropriate. I'm more like "Easy Listening Chick" with a dash of '90s alternative rock occasionally mixed in. Really, I'm not cool at all. Smitty will testify to this...although he also thinks I need a reality show or at least someone recording me.

I do not agree with this assessment...unless there is cash involved and I get a wardrobe...


Unknown said...

You are HILARIOUS Em! I personally would love to go karaoking with you and listen to your Rocker chick singing. Nothing like a good time, I bet! Let's plan this already! :)

Dorothy Parker-lite said...

We definitely should!!! I am such a karaoke junkie, it's not funny....we will plan this, lady...

Bryan Kuehner said...

I'll come to sing karaoke! I'll sing country, though. And I must be intoxicated first. Nothing like a country-singing-asian!

Dorothy Parker-lite said...

We have srsly got to organize this soon!!!