Monday, March 22, 2010

Didn't realize I supported the destruction of America by wanting health care.

So, explain to me how a President who does something for the greater good of society without 100% support is any different than a President who does something for personal interests with unbelievably wrong intelligence without 100% support? I would've argued tongue-in-cheek, and did, as a matter of fact, that if George Bush were allowed to make decisions without UN or public support, that it signaled the end of rational politics. What I did argue, which is true, is that he was dangerously close to imperialism..yeah, that's an -ism I'd like the Fox News junkies to take a look at..every hear of the Bush doctrine? Also, No Child Left 
Behind...what a rousing success that was, and the tax cut for the wealthiest 1% of the country.

I just find it laughable that the idea of providing health care has been likened to some kind of modern-day Armaggedon. In the words of Amy Poehler and Seth Myers...really!? RRReally!?! I do admit, I don't agree with fining people who choose not to buy into the plan, and I may not agree with everything in the bill, but I will hold my judgment to see what is really going to unfold in the next months and years. I would love it if everyone else might do the same. I know this won't happen, though, as there are people who I know very well in fact who never would've like anything Obama did. Period. 
Politics makes me so mad; this is largely why after working for John Kerry and being a part of the foolishness of it all, I stopped being interested. I was still interested, I guess, but from afar. I also learned while in Pennsylvania, to listen to and respect others' rational, NOTE THAT WORD, differing opinions. I dated a freakin' hardcore Republican and didn't kill him, for God's sake..(although I did think about it during some pro-choice debates). But what I cannot stomach are ridiculous, outlandish statements. Glenn Beck shouldn't be allowed on TV. He's a fearmonger, he's Ann Coulter's unholy brother. Al Pacino made them mate (see "The Devil's Advocate"). I don't care whose side you're on, and I know Democrats can be the same way, but just try to make sense. That's all I ask.
Don't tell me Obama is an illegal alien because he won't produce his birth certificate, but on the flip side, Hawaiian government, don't deem someone a terrorist because they want to see a copy of said birth certificate. Stop saying we're no longer a free country. Auto insurance is legally required in almost every state. Is that socialism? Do we complain about that when we are hit by someone whose insurance covers it because they are LEGALLY required to have it? Stop throwing the word socialism around. Stop saying I'm not an American because I support Obama, and I think everyone in our country should have health care. Stop questioning my faith in God for supporting Obama and being a Democrat. No political party has a monopoly on faith, and I resent the implication. And as for the argument that all of us who are rolling in money (I didn't get that memo) are paying for these lazy, etc....people who don't work...first of all, speaking of faith, Judge not, lest ye be. A lot of people are currently in dire financial situations that have nothing to do with them not wanting to work, and also, and I'm no theologian, but did Jesus not say to us something to the effect of "What you do to the least of me, you do also to me?" Are we supposed to let children go without insurance?
I realize politics is what it is, and some people will never agree, but just be rational. Don't talk to me about death panels..that's a Fox News buzzword, don't say the country is coming to an end without giving a sensible explanation as to why you think that, and maybe really, really examine why you have such an opposition to people that cannot otherwise afford insurance to have it. I really don't understand that.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Emily, I am so with you. I did not realize that I was a socialist either. I too am tired of people saying that requiring everyone to have insurance is wrong when we work in an industry where it is required in almost all states to have auto insurance. Children need to be protected and so do we as consumers. Keep saying what you feel.