Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My long-lost blog

I was recently inspired (thanks, Amy's Blam -- www.amyblam.com) to restart this blog, we'll see how it goes, but, wow, have things changed since I last posted. It's funny, a lot of the posts were my laments about the possibility of, egads, turning 30. And here I am at 32, inching towards 33, and I am far less scared in the reality of it than I was at the thought of it.

Granted, my life has changed so much since then. I started this blog after I packed up everything I owned and moved to Pennsylvania to work for John Kerry's campaign. That was a disappointing, yet extremely rewarding experience, feel free to look back and read my musings regarding that, and I ended this blog shortly after moving back to Mississippi to start a new chapter in my life.

However, that chapter was initially to start with my going to grad school to get my master's in English and then go wherever the wind blew me when I was done, so I could teach while wearing glasses and saying, "What do you think that  means?" to eager college students.

Then, I met my husband, a tall, smart-alecky fellow who beat me at darts, and therefore, had to be stopped by my smacking his ass to distract him...it worked....fast forward 4 years, and here we are, in Birmingham, just celebrated our 3rd anniversary, and we couldn't be happier. Life is strange, which is why I think, in general, any kind of plan, is pretty pointless. If you stay determined to stick to a plan, you miss out on all the surprises that pop up along the way...y'know, actual life.

Married life has changed me a bit, but not too drastically. Examples:
1. I'm in bed by 10 o'clock most nights, but I still occasionally catch things on fire when I attempt to cook.
2. I don't go out on the town anymore, but once drank enough that I put my nightgown in the toilet so I could take a bath. (I thought the lid was closed, I think)
3. I am vigilant about keeping dirty dishes clean, but I think my car has ants.
4. I am not really up on the latest music, but can still be caught singing at the top of my lungs to Concrete Blonde.
5. I love, love, love babies and little children, but we're, erm, not quite there yet, and the thought of a child calling me "Mommy" and my actually being their mommy scares the holy hell out of me..

So, I promise to write more if you guys promise to visit here now and again.


Anonymous said...

See, I am not ALWAYS a bad influence. Hoorah for one of my fave reformed party goals-I shall add you to my blogs I like thingamabob on my site.

Dorothy Parker-lite said...

Aww...and as soon as I figure out more about this technical stuff, I shall cross-promote yours as well..:)