Thursday, May 09, 2013

I'm mad as hell, but I'll probably take it some more

Do you realize how much crap we put up with on a daily basis? It's sad, really. From the rude server to the idiot soccer mom in the Cadillac Escalade who nearly kills you while talking on a cell phone, it's ridiculous. I am so over cell phones in the car. Every day on my morning and evening commutes, I realize I am the only one not on my cell phone. I'm not trying to prove any kind of point by abstaining from cell phone usage in the car; I'll do in emergency cases or long, highway-type trips. I just don't get why we have to be connected 24/7.
No one listens/sings to the radio anymore, but me, apparently. How sad. I only have about a 20-minute morning commute/35ish afternoon, but that is time for me to listen to NPR/Adele/Frank Sinatra/Les Mis soundtrack. That's "me" time. Nobody has that anymore. I realized because of my insanely annoying phone, that even while I'm sleeping, it makes noises to let me know about Facebook notifications or Words with Friends (a game for smart people) notifications. Technology is permeating my sleep.
When I was younger, high school-age, I was given two hours of phone time a day. In retrospect, that's actually a lot, but I had about five people, including boyfriends, with whom I had to divvy that time. I thought it was extremely oppressive, but this was when I was using a Swatch phone for my calls, so I might not have the best perspective on the matter.
We got Nintendo when I was about 11 or so. I remember waking my sister up in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve after using my Barbie flashlight to inspect the goods. I literally whisper-screamed, "We got Nintendo! We got Nintendo!" That is some small potatoes these days. My niece has an iPad that a thing...iPod Touch? Hell, I don't know, but it does way cooler stuff than Nintendo ever did, other than Super Mario Brothers.
Between Facebook and the articles I choose to read on or, etc...the outlandish politics are getting to me. I admit I don't understand the p's and q's of this Benghazi issue, but when I hear the words "impeachment" being bandied about, and we're still in countries Bush sent us to based on NO proof whatsoever, I have to question what people are thinking these days. Yes, I voted for Obama his first term, not the second. I couldn't do it in good conscience, but I take extreme issue with every single thing that's gone wrong in the country since before he took office being his fault.
I also take issue with blanket characterizations of liberals or Democrats or moderates or whatever I am. In fact, you can't pigeonhole me. Moreover, you actually can't really pigeonhole most of the country. That's where Fox News and the like go wrong. I keep hearing about the "liberal media," and I am not so blindsided by anything that I wouldn't recognize it. To this day, the only ridiculously biased network I'm aware of is Fox News.
So, in conclusion, I'm just pissed. I have this sort of cranky, Pigpen-esque cloud hanging over me, because more and more, things are just irritating the hell out of me. This sort of flamboyant black man is the one to rescue these women from Ohio being kept captive for 10 years+, and the media is racist for airing his unvarnished bytes. Hi, this is the South. You've been finding the most toothless, country-sounding morons to interview about a tornado for decades. I think it's fine if a decidedly colorful African-American person is shown to be helpful with a touch of flair. I've seen far more people support the fact that he turned down any reward than denigrate his character. We need to get the hell over ourselves, once and for all.

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