Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I've been hoodwinked..or maybe not

Ladies, we are suckers. Truly, we and logic need to get together, because there's an almost mythological concept that we operate under most of the time, and I think it needs to come to an end.
Men are not our saviors. No matter what you've heard (and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my dad for telling me that I would know when I met "the ONE," because it would hit me like a bolt of lightning.
At this point, I think I'd rather be hit with actual lightning than have to try to decipher anything further in the relations between the sexes.
I feel I have been duped.
Because of my dad's crap advice and my obsession with movies and books, I was clearly expecting some stuff that hasn't been delivered to me.
Like, has anyone ever stood outside my window with a jambox, circa "Say Anything" and played Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes?" Uhh..no.
Has anyone ever realized what a moron they were by having let me go and said, at the risk of making a complete ass of themselves, as Matt Damon did at the end of "Good Will Hunting," "I have to go see about a girl."
I'm starting to agree with conservative senators about censoring Hollywood, except I could give a shit about the violence and profanity (obviously), no, I think it's far more dangerous to give women a false idea about what they should be expecting out of men.
Tell it like it is.
See "About a Boy." Except in my version, he never actually gets his shit together for the woman he supposedly loves. He strings her along for about 15 years until she realizes she's wasted her youth and her child-bearing years, and then he leaves her for a 25-year-old.
That's reality. Why don't we see more of that?
Just wait. Before I camp out permanently in the bitter barn, I actually want to say something that doesn't sound psychotic.
I love love. As kicked in the teeth by it as I tend to get and as downtrodden as I might get about the prospect of it ever actually working out for me and anyone, I have no intention of giving up, contrary to what I might say in my less optimistic moods.
I know that eventually I will have children and grandchildren at the forefront of which will be a man that I found who loved me for me and maybe possibly made a grand gesture or two while we were young, and even a couple after we weren't.
But, if my mother asks me one more f-ing time if I think that every single man I ever mentioned having a conversation with might become serious, I'm entering the damn nunnery just to spite her.


Anonymous said...

i really don't even know what to say about that. except that maybe, after saying all of that you may be able to better understand why i do the things i do, and feel the way i feel.

Dorothy Parker-lite said...

I dunno that I understand anything, to be honest. To use a phrase from someone I know, I guess I keep grabbing the hot plate and being surprised that the waiter wasn't lying.;P

Anonymous said...

i don't believe i'll ever find a man i'll love either. but then again, i'm heterosexual. i do love my new apartment though.