Thursday, March 24, 2005

More developments

Well, the Supreme Court has decided not to hear the Terri Schiavo case, and a Florida court has refused to allow the state of Florida to take guardianship of Schiavo, so barring any further unnecessary involvement of the government, it's in God's hands now.
It's really sad, and I feel for everyone, but these politicians are making me physically ill.
Tom DeLay, however, is the biggest piece of human garbage ever to hold a political office. He has taken this case as a pulpit from which to deflect his current ethics problems, and he ought to be run out on a rail, just for that.
To have had the absolute cajones to say today that the same people who want Terri Schiavo to die are the same people who want to "take him down." He's taken himself down, and if Republicans are smart, and sadly, I know that a lot of them are, they'll back as far away from the train wreck that is DeLay as possible.
What an unbelievably sleazy excuse for a human being he is.


Anonymous said...

being one of the above mentioned "smart republicans" i would like to say that i don't give a damn about tom delay. any of us can roll out any number of worthless hacks on either side of the isle, it is an endless parade of corruption, political grand standing, and down right inept leadership that has gripped this country for some time. but why not rail against senator byrd for his "white nigger" comment? or charles rangel for introducing draft legislation for political gain only to vote against his own bill? he who lives in a glass house shhouldn't cast the first stone. the entire delay thing is nothing more than a bunch a corrupt politicians pointing fingers because they smell blood in the water. if tom delay is to be removed from office let the voters in his home state do it, not a bunch of personal agenda driven whores who look out for nobody but themselves, and that includes both parties. but you know what? the outrage comming from the left is based on one fact, they have forgotten the basic foundation of our political system, all governemnt is a nessisary evil. instead of looking at our federal governemnt as our parents, looking out for our best interests and caring about our well being, we all need to understand that a governemnt made of men is bound to contain man's inherent faults.. greed, sloth, etc etc. when we can all go back to that basic belief about governemnt only then can it truely change. so stop looking to the governemnt to regulate everything, tell us what is right and wrong, and to fix every problem we may encounter during our lives. the federal governemnt had no right to get involved in the florida case, but it is accepted by people with little question. it is an important example of how even the republican party can get sucked into a federalist line of thinking that is dangerously flawed. and has been since the first continental copngress. i have to stop now, i could go on for a week....

Dorothy Parker-lite said...

Actually, the federal government getting involved in Florida wasn't really accepted by most people with little question. I think 75% of Americans thought that Congress shouldn't have gotten involved, in fact.
The reason that DeLay is such a dangerous man is that he is a huge powerhouse in the Republican Party. I'm not saying there aren't corrupt people on both sides, but they call him "The Hammer," because he can "hammer" out any deal with anyone over fundraising and votes, and that makes his ethics violations a liability, not only to the country, but mainly to the Republican Party. And while I'm obviously not a huge fan of the GOP, I do have this funny, idealistic notion that our nation's House majority leader should be somewhat above reproach.