Tuesday, March 08, 2005

John Wayne would NOT approve

Yesterday, I was watching TV, as I am wont to do, and I saw something that made me think.
It was a commercial making fun of men who get pedicures and facials, etc.., and I started to think about the new "metrosexual" man and how truly annoying it is.
Everything I'm about to say is going to be a bit hypocritical, having claimed to be a feminist in the past, but it's my blog, and I don't care. Maturity prevails..
Okay, sensitive, girly men suck. If it takes a man longer to get ready than it takes me, that's not good.
If a man has more product in his hair than I do, that's not good.
If a man can give a compelling argument on the difference between eggshell, off-white and beige, that's really not good.
That being said, perhaps I spoke too soon when I said sensitive men are bad. Sensitive is sometimes good. And by sensitive, I mean, will listen when you are upset, can acknowledge when he is upset and understands that everything is not black and white and sometimes talking is what is required.
I do NOT mean taking every injustice that happens personally and bitching about it incessantly, crying, unless circumstances really, really call for it and ever using baby talk to have a conversation EVER.
Here's a breakdown:
Caring about the cleanliness of your living space = good
Trying to become a male Martha Stewart = bad
Taking pains with your appearance = good
Taking over 40 minutes to get ready = bad
Good cologne = oh, so good
Any exfoliating product or facial cream = very bad, double bad if it smells like fruit of any kind
Now, I realize these new times are a bit confusing for men. Most of my male friends tend to be atypical men who are not "macho" in certain regards, but they are not effeminate by any stretch of the imagination, so I look to these guys a little for examples of men who have struck a good balance.
You don't have to watch sports to be accepted as a man, although it's awfully cute when guys get all into a game (my own little thing..sorry), you certainly don't have to be controlling toward women to assert your masculinity (in fact, you try that with me, and you've pretty much had it), and you don't have to act like a stone figure with no emotions to prove that you're a real man.
If any of you have any questions on what's acceptable, I'll be happy to help out. I think women deserve the best you guys can be..kind of like the Army, but with sex.


Anonymous said...

you women need to make up your minds. first you want men to be sensitive and talk about our emotions and then when we do you call us sissies. you want us to share domestic duties but then get angry when you find we cook, clean, and manage the house with more ease and less crabbing about the work load. i give up. the only consistant movement within the women's movement is that it is always changing. you want equal opportunites in the military but refuse to be drafted, you want upward mobility in your careers but refuse to make family sacrifices to do so (which men do everyday). and god forbid if a man uses an exfoliating product of his face before shaving (it soften the hairs and makes them easier to shave). although i am not guilty of the mentioned offenses and have never considered myself a "metrosexual" i still am offended. i liken myself to more of a rural renaissance man. i'll let you define that for yourself.

Dorothy Parker-lite said...

Have you actually lost your mind now? Women don't make family sacrifices in order to advance in order to advance their careers? Oh, okay, because they're not the ones who actually carry the babies inside them, yet continue to go to work day in, day out, when a man would get one bout of morning sickness and fall on the floor.
Who said women didn't want to be drafted? Personally, I don't wish to be in the armed forces, but the women that I've spoken to that are have never mentioned not wanting to be drafted. Frankly, I don't think anyone wants to be drafted.
And I think it's awesome if you guys cook, clean and manage domestic duties better than I; it wouldn't take much.
And let me tell you how much I love being referred to as "you women."

Anonymous said...

well, it's good to see that you paying attention today...you might want to get that blood pressure checked

Dorothy Parker-lite said...

You're not funny..my blood pressure is just fine.

Anonymous said...

at least i find myself entertaining...

Dorothy Parker-lite said...

I find you entertaining when I know you're not serious, but I never know with you when you are or aren't.