I'm not a negative person; I'm a sarcastic person, and there is a huge difference, in my opinion. However, I think I do get bogged down in the ennui of day to day life and the fact that we don't have a mansion with a pool and monkey butlers, and I get surly. That shouldn't happen as often as it does. On that note, these are things that make me happy:
1. Laughing until it hurts. Think about it; how often are you overcome with that body-shaking kind of laughter that makes snorts and tears emit from your person? Not often enough. There's something cleansing and almost healthy about letting out a guffaw until your sides ache. This can be achieved for me through: animals wearing people clothes, funny voices, and "Bob's Burgers."
2. Singing at the top of my lungs. I do it every day. In fact, I didn't realize that I passed by a certain place every day until Smitty pointed it out because, frankly, during my commute, I'm too busy doing my Carrie Underwood impression to pay attention to silly things like landmarks..I love it when I'm really belting out something and am completely oblivious to the person in the car next to me, until I glance over, and they're laughing..I like to think perhaps I made their day a little better, too..
3. Cooking. I never, in 5 million years, thought I would say that, but there is genuinely something cathartic about putting together a meal for those you love. You get to become a little scientist with ingredients and measurements and even improvise (I'm getting better) and produce this tasty meal and say, "Yeah, I made that. I freaking rock." Plus, the stress of the day just rolls off while you have your mind focused on not burning stuff..or that could just be me.
4. My dogs. Norton, who is 11, and Zoe, who is about 1 1/2, are the funniest two animals I've ever seen. Norton barks at imaginary squirrels to make us think he's super protective, and Zoe will forgo a steak bone if you'll just let her lick you..which, I don't. I wish she'd stop that, in fact. It took them a little while to get along, but now, they're like a little crime duo...with fur.
5. Smitty. Duh...the boy makes me happy. We've been married now nearly 4 1/2 years, and the good times keep coming. We've been through a bit with the usual things that marrieds go through, but there is no one I'd rather have by my side. I can be in the worst mood, and he can give me a look or do a funny voice, and that's it, tension dissolved. I could not be luckier than if I had designed my own husband, "Weird Science"-style with a computer. I keep thinking my mom paid him to "get me off her hands." I hope everyone is lucky enough to find someone who makes them this happy. It's rare to find a best friend that you want to see naked...I think...
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