Here are some things I don't understand: (in no particular order)
1. Why friends and sometimes family use you under the guise of friendship and familial love, yet they really could care less about you. Like if they heard you were ground up by a wood chipper, they would feel some remorse, sure, but mostly they would bask in the attention surrounding them while they explained how they found you, how close you were, etc....that drives me nuts. Fair-weather user friends drive me nuts, and frankly anyone that cares more about the inconsequential things in life also drives me nuts. Capisce? (Imagine I am Tony Soprano; it's more menacing that way)
2. What the hell is wrong with the world today? I read the list of things that entering college freshman are contributing to the zeitgeist, and I'm scared. They can't write cursive, they don't own watches because they use their cell phones for a clock, they don't know Clint Eastwood played Dirty Harry, and, this is the one I'm adding, I know they don't know how to diagram a sentence.
I'm sorry, but if you talk to the average 18 year old, or, hell, even 20 year old, they are not that bright. They text while at work and school, they think Jersey Shore is the most amazing show ever, and they can't write an intelligible paragraph. I'm getting to the old and cranky stage in life. I cannot stress enough how much good grammar and serviceable writing ability helps you make a good impression on the people that matter. If you say "Lol" out loud in an interview, even just to be clever, you need to get a job carrying Sarah Palin's suitcase of shoes and promise never to procreate.
3. Triviality of any sort. If you go into almost any office or work environment, there is so much gossip, you'd think Bravo had cameras hidden. I myself have, on very rare occasions, enjoyed talking about someone's botched stomach stapling or baby Daddy drama, but doing everything you can to avoid doing your actual job while at WORK drives me insane. You're lucky to have a job, and your decision is to be as lazy as possible, do the bare minimum and spend most of your day bitching about why you're not getting promoted and so-and-so is. Gee, I have a slight clue as to why that might be.
Apathy and bad attitudes at work have always driven me crazy. I'm not saying I have loved every single job I've ever had; far from it, but I am the type of person who if I am sweeping the floor for a living (God forbid), I will show you how sweeping is done. I cannot stand to know I'm not reaching my potential. That's how you move ahead, and it's really convenient to blame it on your supervisor or your boyfriend trouble or whatever, but somewhere along the way, we (of my esteemed generation) developed some ill-advised sense of entitlement that we don't warrant. With the state of the world and people who would love to have a job you suck at and don't want anyway, you can't afford to coast. Removing soapbox...stepping down....
4. How the hell is 80s music gonna be on the Retro music channel on cable? Won't be long before it's under Classics. How did this happen? How did Rick Springfield and Tears for Fears go Retro? If you ask me, Rick Springfield could wring Justin Bieber's wormy, little neck. I think I'm having a pre-midlife crisis. I'm 33 years old, and I wore pigtails in my hair, and if I were 15 and I had seen a 30-something person wearing pigtails, I would've made a snarky comment. However, that 30-something would not have been as cool as me.
I just realized the History Channel is being flung upon me without my consent. Must remedy.
Agree, Agree, AGREE, Agree! I can only hope that I teach my daughter better that things do not just come your way but you have to earn them and work for them.
HEY, you can hate those faux tanned fucks on jersey shore, or that ugly little girl, justin beiber, but don't hate on my beloved history channel. i once shot a man in reno, just to watch him die. imagine what i would do to people who down the history channel. FYI: that hamilton/burr duel . . .i fired the fatal shot.
Mmm,hmmm...y'know, I don't think I would hate the History Channel if they had better commentators. It's like, "Hey, Mr. Boring and Wildly Uninteresting, can you talk about World War II weapons?"
And @Alicia, I will never understand people thinking they should have things handed to them. Had I been born a princess, I might have a different opinion.
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