I hate weight...and money. Those are two things I think you should just be able to say "poof, make it this..." and be done with it.
I was about 102 lbs and a size 4 when I graduated from high school; my weight did the typical college fluctation, but it didn't actually happen in earnest until my sophomore and junior years. I think my metabolism slowed down, along with the influx of pizza and lack of sleep. Stupid sleep...oh, and I didn't exercise at all..still don't. However, now at 32, I'm a size 14, and I believe at last weigh, I'm at 180. That's right, I revealed the number....at great personal risk..lol. Yikes! This is not acceptable.
It is a small comfort that I still have quite the irresistible, winsome face...(and modesty), but geez, what's up with this? I see where there should be a muscle in my stomach, hiding, waiting for the cessation of cheese and bread before it will come out to stay. I am starting a health regiment, this week. I decided not to make it a New Year's resolution, as I never keep those, but I am starting a 2010ish resolution, as not to commit to anything and give myself lashings should I fail. I WILL quit smoking for good, and I WILL start working out. I will be a size 8 by the end of this year.
I'm sure my size 4 days went the way of the 1990s, but I think a size 8 is an attainable goal. I lost a lot of weight when I lived in Pennsylvania and was at that size in 2005, I know it can be done. I want to be healthy when we have a child, I don't want to gain more processed cheese on top of processed cheese when I'm pregnant. It helps to have Smitty who says I'm beautiful no matter what (partial LIAR), but I also don't want him to ever think that once we got together, I said, "There, I've hooked you, I'm done...it's sweatpants 'til I die!" (Incidentally, I don't even own any actual sweatpants, it's a metaphor)
So, there. The gauntlet is thrown. I've put it out there, I must actually work toward these things, lest be thought a hypocrite (wouldn't be the first time), but this is actually important to me. No joke, diabetes is rampant in my family, and I have high cholesterol even when I'm not Shamu's twin sister, so the things I could let slide in my 20s, along with skincare, sleep deprivation, and my credit score, must actually be addressed now. Boo...and a backhanded yay.
If it helps, I weighed about a buck-eighty (I feel better putting it in monetary terms, $1.80 isn't much at all!) when I got pregnant, then with the magic of nursing and minor dieting I lost fifty pounds (or fifty cents, if you will) in the six months after I had the kid. Maybe it was just me, but post-partum was the easiest time I've ever had losing weight. Something to keep in mind based on your previous blog about possibly sometime in the not too distant future having a kid. Good luck with both.
thanks...I weigh a buck eighty, 'cos I hate to exercise, but I love fried stuff with cheese....but I do know that I can lose it, as well, so that is my new goal.
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