I don't really have a topic in mind for this blog, but I felt like writing..probably because it's been a looong couple of weeks, and I'm very excited to have tomorrow off...whoo!
I had a flash back to college when I hated going to class and someone told me "If you don't do what you're supposed to, you'll never appreciate time off. It will have no meaning." I understand that, I really do, although if I won the lottery, I think I'd probably be okay doing nothing..I'm just saying.
Smitty told me he saw a coyote in our yard, and now I am constantly on the lookout for feral woodland creatures waiting to eat me or the dogs every time I get out of the car. This is no way to live. I'm hoping his eyesight was just really, really bad that night, and it was just a mangy dog. That's what helps me sleep at night.
Don't drive a Hummer. Unless you're at war or a rapper, you are a douche bag if you're driving a Hummer through rural America. I'm sorry, but it's true. Also, I don't understand these weird, cowboy boot-looking shoes guys are wearing these days that have this long, weird toe part. It makes their feet look 10 feet long. What are those shoes about?
I finished Pat Conroy's book "South of Broad." It was so good, I can't describe it, but wow, it was depressing. I was going to start John Irving's new one, but I think I might have to read something light and trashy first, lest I commit literary suicide from the utter despair in these books. I'm thinking of re-reading "Catcher in the Rye" or "Franny and Zooey" as a tribute to J.D Salinger..what a bummer that was. I'm gonna be really upset when all the good writers start to die...like good actors..what do we do when Al Pacino, Clint Eastwood, Jack Nicholson, etc...start to die?? That will suck; who will replace them? Zac Ephron? I don't think so.
I'm off to finish my vodka tonic and drink in my impending day off..
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