Saturday, September 03, 2005

Insomnia and anxiety..we meet again, old chaps

Ohhh, need to sleep so badly and can't. I've been doing well with the insomnia problem for the last couple of weeks, and tonight, I am so cranky, hormonal and utterly exhausted, that I can't sleep or be still, and it's driving me mad.
I feel like a huge baby considering what's going on in the southern part of this country to say that I've had a week that seemed Dante-esque in its ickiness, but I can't help it.
And frankly, the events in the South are a large contributing factor to the way I feel right now. I'm dumbfounded at what is going on, and I honestly don't know what to do or say about it that will do any good whatsoever.
I may be able to volunteer next week, I'm just waiting to hear, and maybe that will help me stop feeling so impotent and like everything I have been doing in my daily life this week is so pointless when so many people need help.
That being said, there were other things that have contributed to my shitty, shitty mood; my job is wearing on my nerves faster than a Fox News program, and it's starting to get to me.
I went through waves of denial after the initial "Yay, I got a job with insurance" thing wore off, thinking, well, "It must get better. It can't truly be this mind-numbing." Umm..actually, it turns out it can and is, which makes me all the more determined to get into graduate school in the fall. I don't care if I have to go to Sasketchewan University to get my degree, I'm going back to school to study creative writing. I think I'd rather be happy and poor than comfortable and miserable.
What else am I cranky about? no particular order..
a. People who take people for granted. 'Nuff said. That is never an okay thing to do, and I grow weary of it.
b. Getting cut off in traffic about 50 times this week. They're called turn signals; look into them, drivers of Philadelphia.
c. The fact that I can have about 3 drinks now during the week and literally feel as though a truck has run over me the next day. Getting old is not all that pleasant at all. Also, a sub-note of that, I now get circles under my eyes if I don't sleep well, which I never did before, and I think readers of this blog know how well I'm sleeping, so happy f-ing 28th birthday to me. I'll be an alligator bag-face by the age of 30.
d. The cost of gas. That's all I'm going to say about it, but I think I'm going to start commuting via Razor Scooter.
Alright, I think that about covers it.
On a brighter note, there were things that made me happy this week: Finding out that all my friends and family were safe after the storm hit made me extremely grateful; Simon talking about kicking the "footy" and getting into an argument about where to buy Red Sox gear for someone who really loves the Red Sox with a crazy Phillies fan saleslady. I didn't think it was funny at the time, but now that I have a little perspective on it, it's actually really hilarious. Sports fans in Philly are so nuts, they really should have special wings of mental hospitals.
Good night (hopefully).


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