Well, it's been a long, strange employment trip here in Pennsylvania at times. Since arriving here with a job in August, I've since had that job end and then had the humiliating experience of temping for four months for, frankly a bunch of assholes, to temping here and there for people that were nice, but not quite nice enough to pay me higher than slave wages, offer me insurance or give me tasks that even remotely spoke to my "extensive" abilities. (okay, I can spell really well..)
That has all come to a happy and abrupt end, thank God. Mississippi was starting to look good again after months of rejection letters and making $10 an hour.
As of last Monday, I started a job at a company I will keep secret (those of you that know me know, so that's all that's important), and as of this Monday, I was promoted...with a raise...and, ta, da...medical benefits (!!) to the position of proofreader, and yes, the last time I checked, that was something I have experience in.
After learning of my promotion on Friday, I seriously had the best drive home I've had in months, thinking about how frustrating and discouraging this whole experience had been thus far.
I came here to work for John Kerry, who by the way, in an ironic little twist, didn't offer health insurance. Notice no one mentioned that in any campaign ads promoting his hopeless ass, and he can stick it right in his ear for that the more and more I've considered it.
It actually turned me into quite the hypocrite, extolling his virtues and advocating health insurance for all, when the people working their asses off for him couldn't go to a doctor without paying $100+..trust me, I know. I had strep throat a week before the campaign, and I had to pay about $140. Thank God, the doctor took pity on me and gave me sample pills, or I shudder to think how much it would've been.
Miraculously, since August, that's the only time I had to go to the doctor sans insurance. Let's forget the fact that I'm pretty certain I'm allergic to every pollen-producing plant in Pennsylvania, my eyes have been watering since March and should've had shots months ago, that was a luxury I couldn't afford.
Anyway, as documented at various times on this very blog, I was really, really discouraged about my career situation and starting to labor under the impression that something was intrinsically wrong with me, or there really was something to that whole "North vs. South" thing.
So, anyway, my point is, I am making more money than I ever have, which is kinda sad, and puts into pretty sharp focus how much professional time I wasted in Mississippi, I have insurance and can actually go and get new glasses that I've needed for about 3 years now and had never had vision insurance to cover it, and if I want to break both legs, I can go ahead and do that, and not have to pay too much for it..Score!
So, simply put, I am happy, and that's a pretty good feeling. I'd forgotten what it felt like to not hang your head when someone asked you what you did for a living.
You go gal! We need more Mississippi car tags in the parking lot. We'll show these uptight yankees how it's done.
Ha ha! Slowly, we can take over the Northeast...(insert evil laugh here)
You're just now finding out what a fraud Kerry really was (no insurance, etc.). Be thankful you've moved on to meaningful employment at a living wage.
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