What is wrong with Ann Coulter's body? I dislike her independently of her freakishly thin body frame and bizarre long face, but, seriously, has anybody looked at her really closely?
They did this bit on Saturday Night Live over the weekend where Drew Barrymore portrayed her on this talk show, and they kept asking, "Seriously, what's wrong with your face"?
Thank God someone else finally put their finger on it. It's just that for her to be touted as the "sexy" conservative, that must mean there's not a hell of a lot for them to choose from these days because she looks like one of those biology skeletons wearing some skin and a blonde wig.
Sorry, Annie, but if you're going to say you hate liberals and act like a general stupid bitch in the name of selling books, I have no problem pointing out your obvious deficiencies in life as well.
you know, the comment about the long face seemed a bit out of bounds to me. especially when reviewing the last presidential race. and for a reference guide on sexy conservatives just turn to the fox news channel. i wonder if they'd hire a 30 year old intern? primordial never felt so good.
Funny me. I never really cared to have my news given to me by blond porn star lookalikes who can barely read. That's just me. But then again, I didn't vote for a monkey lookalike who can barely read either. I must've misunderestimated something somewhere.
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