You know, sometimes, life can really suck. I don't necessarily mean that in the "big picture" sense of the phrase either. Sometimes, you oversleep, get a flat tire on the way home from work and get home only to find that your heat is broken -- that kind of sucking.
Although there is something to be said for the existential sucking of life as well. We've all had our moments of "Why me, God? What did I do to deserve this," and I'm sure we've all met those complete strangers in waiting rooms, lines and work situations who feel the need to unburden wildly personal information about just how much their lives suck onto us, the unsuspecting public who can't escape.
Anyway, this leads me to my new philosophy in life. Embrace humor. With all that can truly be a downer in the world, I've adopted a "Hakuna Matada" perspective on things. I've struggled with depression for about seven years off and on, and I realized, other than getting the hell out of a dead-end job I think Satan wanted me to keep and leaving Mississippi, that the way for me to combat my semi-depressive personality is, as cheesy as it sounds, is to find the humor and good in the world and let that be my partial salvation.
Which leads me to what makes me laugh:
1. Funny voices. I will be 80 years old, and if I hear someone do a Yoda voice, I will cough out my false teeth to guffaw. I don't know why, but funny voices are simply the basest way to make me snort. (yeah, sometimes I do, and it feels awesome)
2. Steve Martin. What an incredible comic genius this man is. I was watching Parenthood the other night, and even in a "wholesome" family movie, he's still the funniest man in the cast, and don't even get me started on The Jerk, Planes, Trains and Automobiles and Three Amigos. Those are all in my top funniest movies ever. The singing bush scene alone in Three Amigos is enough to cause me to pull a muscle.
3. When people fall down. I am not a mean person; in fact, I fall down a lot. (refer to earlier broken ankle post) I would never laugh at someone that hurt themselves when they fell, but when someone falls down, the part of me that I probably wish didn't exist simply can't take it. I'm reminded of my friend, who I'll call "E," who, while we were bowling one night, fell back directly on her ass. I was laughing so hard that I had to get other friends to see if she was okay, because I felt that choking out,"Are you alright," through peals of laughter wouldn't be all that appreciated.
4. When my friend Simon sings Billy Joel's "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant." I'll explain. Simon is an awesome singer, really, and he does a great job with the song. However, Simon is Australian, so the first time he sang it, when he got to the part that goes, "Brenda and Eddie...," he said Brender, and my friend Brian leans over, very deadpan to me, and says, "Did he just say Brender," and that was it. Now, whenever there is any karaoke situation, I beg and beg Simon to sing it, because it literally fills me with glee. God love my friends for indulging my behavior.
5. Anything my niece says or does. Seriously, I know I'm a tad bit biased, but the child is funny. She told her mom that she needed to write a check to Santa Claus for her Dora the Explorer dollhouse. She's 3! Whenever you make her mad, basically by telling her no, she says, "You hurt me and my peelings (feelings)." I've actually stolen that one and passed it along to friends, since it comes in handy. On Christmas Eve, she was convinced that everyone that called was Santa Claus, so every time I got a call on my cell phone, she thought I was talking to Santa and had to talk to them. At one point, she was on the phone with my friend, who asked her what Aunt Emily wanted for Christmas, and she said, "Umm...panties." My friend nearly lost it as well.
So anyway, this is just a very, very short account of what keeps me sane, relatively speaking, of course.
I just think that it's so much better to focus on the positive things in the world, because the negatives will literally drive you crazy, and you can't change them anyway.
With my method, you get to quote movies in funny voices and crack yourself up, even if no one else is amused. If you can enjoy yourself, you'll never get lonely.
having worked for the kerry campaign i'm sure your sense of humor and ability to laugh is alive and well. i know i get a laugh every time i think about it.
Very funny, ass clown.
To further clarify without being "insulting" as you accused me of being, I also have to have a sense of humor to deal with certain people who don't have to agree with things that I believe in, but should appreciate what it is to work for something that means a great deal to you, without incessantly making fun of it. ;P
Rock On, Em! Even though some of your Southern friends weren't fans of Senator Kerry's, we still thought you were awesome for braving it out for a cause you believe(d) in! Know that I am glad my ass was the 'butt' of your humor that night! Love you and Miss you ALOT!!!
Thank you; I miss you guys A LOT, too..
i have a great deal of appreciation for what you accomplished during the campaign. but the recognized accomplishment does not detract from the inherent irony of the situation, which causes my laughter. you see, i think it's funny that because of your liberal crusade, to the democratic holy land known as philadelphia, you and i met and violence soon followed. i also think it's funny how this gopper has proven not only to be just as dedicated politically but also your trivial persuit superior. bottom line Em, you always put a smile on my face so keep your chin up.
If we had played a proper game of Trivial Pursuit and I hadn't been distracted by culinary activities, I would've beaten you. But I'm not here to offer excuses; that's not what I do.
Despite some obnoxious personality traits, you are sweet, Phillips.
let the record show, while you were busy with the 'culinary activities' you were winning. when the cooking was finished and your full attention was given to the game you came victim to the infamous "phillips beatdown" accept it, i have more useless knowledge and trivial tid bits of information than you. haha
oh, and does using the fire extinguisher count as a culinary activity? : )
I accept nothing, the Phillips beatdown is a myth, and when did the fire extinguisher make an appearance? Huh? I didn't hear any complaints when you were eating..
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