Friday, January 21, 2005

Things that I am grateful to enjoy

Men who wear pocket watches, felt hats and really good cologne, kissing for two hours, being able to play with little children with absolutely no inhibitions, really deep hugs, singing in the shower and the car without a care as to who hears or sees me doing it, watching any movie with Molly Ringwald or Judd Nelson (bonus if they're both in it), being okay with not being married past 23 (and really meaning it), hitting the snooze button as many times as possibe, taking a fiendish delight in the early "American Idol" contestants, being vocal about not agreeing with the government, a truly great cup of coffee, Bill Clinton, laughing so hard a snort comes out, having people that I can talk on the phone with for hours at a time, Diet Coke, my amazing 2-year-old niece Jillian who I'm convinced is a total genius and will be President someday, sleeping in my childhood bed, snow, David Gray and "The Simpsons."


Anonymous said...

Kissing for two hours...somebody give me some chap stick!! Jud Nelson? What happend to Edward Norton?--Betsy

Dorothy Parker-lite said...

I still like Edward Norton, but I was really more referring to the guilty pleasure of watching bad 80s movies. As for kissing for two hours, it's more fun than you would think sometimes...

Anonymous said...

No. There is not one thing wrong with kissing for two hours. Or three, for that matter.

Anonymous said...

I thought I would share with you a few of my things I enjoy - walking on the beach, hearing Jillian laugh, the smell of freshly cut grass, singing loudly in my car (must be a Gaither thing), fried cheesesticks, any of the Bachelor/Bachelorette shows, and reading a good book.

I enjoyed that posting - made me want to stop and smell the roses more. Love you, JB

Dorothy Parker-lite said...

That's really only a fraction of things I love, but I noticed that I included snow on the list, and I would like to take this opportunity to say "never mind" on the snow. That was before the "Great Blizzard of '05." Screw snow.