I haven't posted here in a really long time, but I'm bringing the old girl out of retirement. I have a lot to say and only so many Facebook accounts I can create before they all get banned. They say they're now banning white supremacists. HA! I've had death threats sent to me from Nazis (or the basement-dwelling dudes that are what are supposed to be the face of the master race now), and they didn't reach Facebook's level of "harassment." To say that their standards are a joke would be an insult to jokes.
Our country has been overtaken by stupidity and racism masquerading as patriotism and nationalism as protection. Our "President" went on a nonsensical rant in Michigan yesterday, claiming he was smarter than so-called "liberal elites," that he went to better schools, that his apartment was nicer, and he, not they, were President. Our President is the rich asshole from every 80s movie. Except he's not remotely attractive. However, those guys always lose in the end. No one really likes them. They just have minions because they have money.
As it turns out, his "full exoneration" 😆😆 might actually just be the beginning of the end. What a shock. (Said no one with a functioning brain) Since the Mueller "synopsis" has been released, his tenuous grip on sanity has become less so. He's not really behaving like a man who is celebrating. He's behaving like a man who is continuing to lose his damn mind. And his slack-jaw sycophants eat it up. How did we get to a place where there is any significant number of people supporting this jackass? His speeches are word salads of incoherence. His Tweets are paranoid ramblings of a bitter, angry loser who can't string sentences together better than a grade schooler.
But, sure, elite schooling that no one bought for him at all. At all. Yet he had his attorney threaten people that tried to look into his school records. Because that's normal. All of this is perfectly normal. - Said no one ever.