So, this blog has been building, like a wall, it's HUUUGE. I'm sorry, except I'm not. The level of discourse in this country has become so low, it's swimming in sewage, much like the Olympic competitors will be. I tried to ignore Donald Trump, like I'm sure his past wives and present one do. I tried to laugh it off and hope he'd go away. However, he's tapped into the lowest common denominator, and he's driving the country off a cliff, and I'm disgusted and nauseated, and I'm fed up with what I'm hearing and seeing.
First of all, I believe that the biggest reason we find ourselves here is that a large portion of America couldn't take having a black President. There, I said it, even if they won't admit it. Not only could they not take having a black President, they couldn't take having one that was more well-spoken, better educated, and ultimately didn't/hasn't done anything that erupted into a scandal. Yeah, talk about his birth certificate, 'cos that doesn't make you look stupid, talk about how he "race baits," (because he speaks as a black man and doesn't say "yes, police, do whatever you'd like, no matter how much bull shit it looks like), I fully believe that it utterly pisses off a large majority of the country that he just didn't fall on his face, and he knows bigger words than they do.
I have seen people call his wife a gorilla, a man, etc.., and you cannot tell me that's something any other POTUS has had to deal with...a gorilla? Because she's not a dainty Stepford wife who demurely sits behind her husband in pearls and nods like a bobblehead? Or perhaps you'd prefer her spread-eagled in a Playboy centerfold? Because you sure seem to like her words when they're coming out of a collagen-injected mouth.
The utter level of maniacal narcissism displayed by Donald Trump has simply grown beyond my comprehension. And the Talking Cheeto said it best when he said that he could shoot a man and his supporters would still vote for him. (pssst: That's not a compliment) What will it take to see the level of incompetence and clear state of obvious unhinging going on in the man? He uses Twitter as a PR tool. Twitter! Yes, ladies and gentleman, your POTUS...and 12 year-old girls...are on the same wavelength. And when he gets mad, oh...those Tweets! I can't even believe Candidate Trump is still a thing.
If ANY other candidate in the history of, I don't know, anything, behaved in the manner that he has behaved, they'd be toast. Why are we giving this man a pass? He is not an "outsider" to anything, except decency and common sense. In what universe is it okay to make fun of a disabled reporter? Insinuate that another reporter was having her period, because she was "mean to him," and denigrate the father of a fallen soldier because he was negative towards Trump? Have you heard Hillary Clinton tell Chris Christie to choke on a Tasty Kake for inciting "Lock Her Up" at the DNC? No, because there's such a thing as public decorum and decency.
Yes, Hillary Clinton is divisive on some issues. However, and this is the God's honest truth. As much time, money, and effort that have been put into taking this woman down...there is no smoking gun. She's not in the Mafia, it's not like she's Hillary Corleone. And God knows, people are trying. Look at the DNC. There was blood in the water, they've been taken out. If Hillary were truly guilty of all these things, she'd be done, gone, a cautionary political tale. It's not there. It's just not.
Bottom line: People don't like her. They never have. Even when/if people like Bill Clinton, they don't like her. She comes off as abrasive, she's not "pretty," she's not charismatic, when it comes down to it, she's a wonk, she works her ass off. She said it herself. She's good at the "service" part, bad at the "public" part. That's fine. Be abrasive, wear those pantsuits like a boss, and get shit done. Take down that orange menace and govern the damn country. You're our only hope, Hillary-wan.